Zelda Spirit Tracks Train Controls Patch

To board the train, talk to Zelda at a station. Once on the train, you can use the map on the touchscreen to trace a route to your destination.

  1. Zelda Spirit Tracks Rom
  2. Zelda Spirit Tracks Characters
  3. Zelda Spirit Tracks Walkthrough

I finished the game with the skull train. Can't help but wonder how the hylians felt about that, what with their hero piloting a giant skull thing.

Zelda Spirit Tracks Rom

I would have done the dragon but I didn't get all the pieces in time for that. (The fact that games like these work so well in low poly almost makes me want to make balderdash a handheld game, but that's another discussion entirely) I think my most memorable moment in this game was when you're taking the train across the ocean and you're suddenly boarded by pirates, so you're fighting these really big guys inside your passenger car. Moments like that in zelda games are fun for me. I finished the game with the skull train. Can't help but wonder how the hylians felt about that, what with their hero piloting a giant skull thing.

Zelda Spirit Tracks Characters

I would have done the dragon but I didn't get all the pieces in time for that. I think my most memorable moment in this game was when you're taking the train across the ocean and you're suddenly boarded by pirates, so you're fighting these really big guys inside your passenger car. Moments like that in zelda games are fun for me. As soon as i saw there was a dragon train, i was all over that sucker.

Zelda spirit tracks walkthrough

Ran the final boss and such with it. Puppy the gold train and its eight hearts, dragons for me.

And yeshhhhhh those moments. How many of you did the boss rush? The secret boss at the end was a cool surprise, but it was also disappointingly easy for me. I killed him really quickly. Yeah, same feeling there. Urghhhhhhh i wanna go play these two again.

I wasnt thrilled about the tracks initially since the controls didnt come naturally at first, and when it came to bosses, i couldnt just pull down the chart and draw circles around them repeatedly like i did in PH. And there were a couple fights where you had to control zelda and link while both were in danger, and just.the controls clunked out, but the fight was so bloody easy, it was doable. But for those fights, it just felt like my zelda handheld skills suddenly became.a train wreck. Well, here goes nothing. I was looking at everyone else's blogs and thought they put like, oh, 400x more effort than I would ever put into my first post. I do think this is a cool idea, since I've been meaning to be a little more thorough with what I do here around the forums, and with gaming in general, and so picking the most self-absorbed way to do it would clearly be the easiest method.

I picked 'prime time of your life' as my blog title because I'm listening to daft punk (Alive 2007 ofc) and that was the song that was on. I'll get around to changing that later, if I can. Today I got LL's old 3DS in the mail today, which Cole and I jointly paid for. I am like 95% sure everyone has heard of Cole, but he is my boyfriend of some time now, like over a year and some months.

He's a cool guy and knows I'm involved with this site and if you're lucky you might see him on IRC some time. He's alright. But, back to the 3DS. Reeeeally puppying cool system. I am really glad we got it.

I got on the internet with it (though it loads slow as shite) and was like, wow. This is it, this is the future. I had that feeling of when I held my indigo GameBoy color in like 1998 and thinking that it was the coolest thing. LL was cool enough to let me borrow PM: Sticker Star, so I spent a while playing that.

Zelda Spirit Tracks Walkthrough

It's a cute game, because all Paper Marios are cute to some degree. Except where the hell are my badges and leveling system? I was kind of bummed out on that, and as LL phrased it, 'stressed out' by finding stickers just to battle. It seems a little constricting to rely solely on the stickers, and while I do think it is a cool concept, the game is also a lot trickier and requires poking and prodding a lot more.

I also miss having a party, and this uh, Kersti character is a bit too intense for me. I am mixed on the game at the moment, but I am also on world 1-6 so we'll see. Anyway, I'm hoping I will give this blog a little more attention, since my tumblr has come to a near standstill and I miss doing some writing and reflecting. I think I'll mainly cover what I've been up to recently, probably music-wise and gaming-wise, since my daily life isn't much more than exercising, college, work, and eating. Props to Tappy for giving us this cool new site feature.

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